The only Australian privately owned high voltage site in the ACT

The electrical infrastructure can support power densities of up to 33kW per rack. Designed for complete control and infallible supply, our grid has an initial single feed then dual High Voltage lines incoming from diverse routes. Dedicated power transformers in an N+1 configuration provide 7MVA capacity. Busways in the data hall have A and B feeds to each rack. .

The electrical infrastructure has been designed to be a 2N configuration. Australian Data Centres is the only Australian privately owned High Voltage site in the ACT, allowing total control over onsite transformers. Full configuration includes five Eurodiesel 2.25 MVA Diesel Rotary UPS units onsite.
Total redundancy
Redundancy (noun): the inclusion of extra components, which are not strictly necessary to functioning, in case of failure in other components.
Total redundancy means ADC has had no downtime in its operating history.